Just can't wait to get on the road again...
The life I love is laughing with my friends...
And I cant wait to get on the road again.
These lyrics from a Willie Nelson song and many lyrics like this from other singers and groups have never held so true. I live in West Hartford but on any given weekend I jump in my car and head out for another set of shows. I travel constantly and love every mile of it; whether if it is to Maine or Massachusetts, New Hampshire or New York or any place in the northeast United States including my home state of Connecticut. I love to travel. On a good year, I can end up putting 35 plus thousand miles on my car. My car; sometimes it seems like it is my second home but I'm comfortable in it. I have my sunglasses, a cooler with cold drinks (even in winter), I have my XM radio and my iPod. What else do I need for my travels.

And the best part is I know where my destination lies. In a school auditorium, a VFW hall or outdoors in a family campground and many many places just like these, I know when I reach my destination soon I will be putting grins, smiles, giggles and laughter in the heart of my many audiences. What a great way to earn a living. Everyday I feel blessed that I can do what I love; entertain. And I love what I do.

Thanks to all that came out this Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights...
And here's to you...
I hope I have the pleasure of entertaining you real soon.
signing off... on the road again,

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