Another weekend of shows, another 600 plus miles on the car. My show Friday night had real Moxie. That's because the show was up in Lisbon, Maine. This is the hometown of the soft drink Moxie. (It's an acquired taste!) The show was a fundraiser for the middle school but what I really enjoyed was that the entire town was invited to attend. For a seven dollar admission you received a spaghetti dinner and the show. The organizers were surprised more people didn't show up. Maybe next year now that they know what my show was all about. Sometimes going into a small town, a hypnosis show can be daunting because most people have preconceived ideas about a hypnosis show. You know; how dirty and embarassing they all are. I'm glad that those that were there thought very different. The turn out was still pretty good and I know that those in attendance had a really good time. One of the things I really love about these open to the public town shows is the different age groups of volunteers I get. There were middle school students, high school students and quite a few adults. And these different age groups respond to suggestions differently from each other. I love that.
I really do hope we get to do this again next year. I know the turn out will be much bigger. Where else can you get a huge spagetti dinner for seven bucks. Here's 3 photos from that show.

My Saturday night show is always one of my favorite schools to perform for. Over the years some of the best groups of volunteers came from this school. Saturday was no exception. Especially since one of the stars of the show was the son of the person who hired me this year. Way to go Jonathan, you were TERRIFIC ! One of the biggest supporter of the athletic booster club could not be with us this year. He is deployed as a Department of the Army civilian in Kuwait. We missed you but send you our best wished to stay safe and be home soon. He has seen all of the photos from the show and has said how much he enjoyed them. I hope he will be in attendance next year.
Another fun item about this show. I have been creating a facebook event about each of my shows. This school had 254 RSVP's. Not everyone had said they were attending, but the fact that there were that many students responding was overwhelming. I hope this works for the rest of my shows. it is a great way to get momentum going.
Here's three photos from this show.

Well that's it for this week. All the photos from these and other shows can be found on my web site: Take a look and give me your comments and reviews.
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