In quick response to yesterday's blog, which was written tongue in cheek, I now need to explain why I wrote it. Basically it comes down to this: I lost a booking because I did not have a moniker. I was asked by a potential client how she could judge me against all other hypnotists if I do not
claim I am the world's best, funniest, greatest etc. My intitial reaction was, "Was this lady NUTZ?" She told me that last year she hired a 'hilarious hypnotist' who was not that hilarious. The group loved the idea of another hypnosis show but wanted someone better qualified. Rather than talking to other people that have hired other hypnotists and getting their recommendations, she was relying on the hypnotists themselves to qualify how funny they were. This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.
I have reread the above paragraph a few times to make sure I got it right. I think I did. This was the craziest call I ever got. BTW, I did not book the show, nor would I want to perform for her and her group.
But it got me thinking...
I need your opinion... please!
Should I fall into the hype and add a moniker to my name?

Should I call myself Steve Wronker's Funny Business, the _____________ hypnotist in the world!
Fill in the blank with: funniest, hilarious, greatest, best or most entertaining or even add your own adjective.
I'm really joking. Please don't do this. I am happy just being me. Steve Wronker.
Steve I think you have it just right.