I have to set this up and give credit where credit is due. And I don't want to take the credit for making this single performance what it was. I know my show is good, very good, in fact. But what made this night so incredibly special was the result of one individual. Mike G. He recommended my show, as he had seen it at a campground before. Once the show was booked and then because of his help and guidance, the maketing for this show went viral. This private school has a student population of 2,500. And not only with the usual posters on the wall and in the caf, Mike helped get the word out. (I won't say how as I will be using this to my advantage at other schools). When all was said and done almost everyone in the school had first hand knowledge about the show. Although not everyone showed up, I was told this was one of the largest non-athletic turnouts ever. And the students enthusiasm helped make this show special. I can't wait to come back again because I know the next time will be bigger and better. GREAT JOB MIKE !!! Here are 4 photos from that show:
The other show I want to talk about was a group I really enjoy performing for but don't do enough of them. This show was a fundraiser for an elementary school. They needed to raise money for a school program and I was recommended to help do that. (Thanks again Norman.) Through sponsorship and donations they raised quite a bit of money. And the attendance was very respectful, with the inclusion of a church youth group and a local boys & girls club. I like theses shows because not only to I get teenagers to volunteers, I also get many adults; teachers, parents and administrators. The show was well above average as all but 2 of the 19 volunteers got hypnotised and stayed hypnotised throughout the show. Plenty of photos and video to prove that point. And to top things off they had raffles to make extra money. And they a special raffle for kids under the age of 14. And it was free for them to enter. The prize was 2 tickets to a local water park. How cool! But they had some great raffle prizes for the adults. My favorites were a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label, 150 gallons of home heating oil and 2 tickets to a Ptriots football game (good seats too).
I get to do another elementary school fundraiser next week and can't wait to see what they raffle off. It seems I am doing a lot of fundraisers for many different schools, groups and organizations. I really enjoy doing them. I hope one day to do a fundraising show for you. Give me a call and we can discuss details how you can raise a lot of money.

I hope I get the pleasure of entertaining you all again soon.
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